Ankle Instability Specialist

New York City Ankle & Foot

Podiatrist Foot & Ankle Surgeons located in Jackson Heights, NY & Woodside, Queens, NY

If you regularly roll or twist your ankle, ankle instability may be to blame. Without proper treatment, ankle instability can keep you sidelined and prevent you from participating in your favorite activities. At New York City Ankle & Foot in Jackson Heights and Woodside, Queens, board-certified podiatrists Shweta Raina, DPM, and Rolando Melendez, DPM, proudly offer diagnosis and treatment for ankle instability. To request your consultation today, call the office nearest you or use the online booking tool.

Ankle Instability Q & A

What is ankle instability?

Ankle instability, also known as chronic ankle instability, occurs when the outside edge of one or both ankles, regularly gives way while walking, running, or doing other physical activities. Ankle instability can affect anyone, but it’s especially common in athletes and weekend warriors who’ve suffered multiple ankle sprains.

What are the symptoms of ankle instability?

The symptoms of ankle instability depend on the severity of your condition. Common telltale signs of ankle instability include:

  • Persistent ankle pain
  • Persistent ankle swelling
  • Ankle tenderness
  • Chronic discomfort

If you have ankle instability, you might also notice that your affected ankle feels wobbly or unstable whenever you stand up or walk around.

What causes ankle instability?

Ankle instability occurs for a variety of reasons, but it’s most commonly the result of an unhealed ankle sprain.

When you sprain your ankle, the ligaments that surround your ankle joint stretch and overextend. Without proper rehabilitation, these ligaments don’t always heal as they should.

Ultimately, this may cause instability and balance problems. If you sprain your ankle again, during healing, it stretches the ligaments further, increasing your risk of ankle instability.

How is ankle instability diagnosed?

To diagnose ankle instability, your New York City Ankle & Foot provider physically examines your feet and ankles and asks you questions about previous injuries or instability. Your provider also checks for areas of tenderness and swelling. If necessary, your provider might also order a series of digital X-rays or an MRI to get a closer look at the bones and joints in your feet and ankles.

How is ankle instability treated?

At New York City Ankle & Foot, the team usually recommends conservative treatments to ease pain caused by ankle instability, including physical therapy, bracing, and taking anti-inflammatory drugs. You might also benefit from lifestyle changes such as activity modifications or wearing more comfortable, supportive shoes.

If your pain persists or gets worse, surgical intervention may be necessary. The team offers several types of minimally invasive surgery to address and treat ankle instability.

To learn more about your treatment options for ankle instability, make an appointment at New York City Ankle & Foot today by calling the office nearest you or using the online booking tool.